Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Finally a new Layla update!

Finally!  I'm back!

Tonight will be a short post as I'm quickly running out of steam.  I just wanted to update everyone on how Layla is doing.  She has finally chosen "her spot" for sleeping - right on top of my tummy.  She was so stinking cute when she first did it that I didn't have the heart to move at all during the night for fear of frightening her away.  It didn't take me long to figure out that this little girl sleeps like a rock.  I can move all around her, shove her over, etc. and she never makes a single peep or grunt or anything.  I do have to say that we are going to have to upgrade to a bigger bed soon.  Between the hubs sprawling out, him not being able to sleep without his ginormous fuzzy brown body pillow, Abby curled up between my feet & Layla curled up next to/on top of me, I usually wake up clinging to the side of the bed for dear life at some point during the night - I've actually been knocked out of the bed once!  And that was before Layla joined our crew! 

Anyway, as you can see, she has settled in quite well here.  We are really having to work on her house-training a little more, though.  She has trouble letting me know when she needs to go out and often will just sit by the door and not "do her business" when I take her outside.  She's so desperate to be around people now that she doesn't even want a potty break.  We haven't had any enormous messes or anything.  Just a little spot every now and then - but it always happens right after she comes back inside from being in the back yard.  Oh well, she really is still a puppy so she's learning! 

And on the subject of her being a puppy...what a little playful thing she's turned out to be!  We have a basket o'goodies filled with all the puppy toys and she has discovered it.  Her favorite toys so far are the ones that make a crinkling noise.  So when it's bed time, we have to hide those toys or we'll never get her to settle down.  But it's still cute!

Anyway, she's doing fine.  She just needs a forever home.  Someone better snatch her up soon before she gets too settled in here! ;o)

1 comment:

  1. I so needed this little bit of uplift tonight. bless her and you and hubby for sharing the bed
