Friday, July 15, 2011 have I already lost count?!

Hello again.  I think The Daily Layla is turning into The Sort of Daily Layla.  I have excuses...I promise!

  1. My laptop gave me the blue screen of death two nights ago.
  2. Work has been crazy lately and has taken all of my computer time.
  3. I've got Sondheim on the brain and have been studying my music for "Assassins" like a fiend. 
  4. Layla has gotten so snuggly with me that I don't want to make her get down off the bed in order for me to go into the guest bedroom to blog. :o)
Those excuses are acceptable, right?  I mean, I'm sure I can come up with more... ;o)

Layla is doing great!  She has really become one of the pack over the past week.  She and Abby are totally BFFs now.  Although, Abby does have a mom complex and treats Layla - and all the other dogs for that matter - as if they are her puppies from time to time.  She cleans ears and paws for everyone, and lately she has taken to showing Layla how to do some puppy things.  It's so funny to see Layla taking on some of Abby's personality traits!  Let's just hope she doesn't pick up Abby's crooked tail wag...

The main thing I have noticed from our time with Layla is her need to still be a puppy.  I am wondering if she never really got to do those puppy things all young ones need to get out of their systems.  She was so scared of everything when she first got here, I can see how she may have skipped through her puppy playfulness and never understood the joy of chewing on a tennis shoe.  We are working hard with her to teach her NOT to take on those bad puppy habits, but it's so hard to tell her "No" when you can look at her and tell that she's never had a chance to be this way before and she just needs to get it out of her system.  She is so smart and really seems to understand which things she should and should not do, but she also just can't help herself sometimes.  It's no problem for us.  We've been there and done that...three times now (four if you count our human baby).  I just hope the forever home she ends up in understands what it takes to raise a puppy and knows that even though Layla is full grown, she is still very much a puppy at heart. 

It really is cute to watch her play with the others.  She's such an instigator!  She loves to get them all riled up and then run away and hide.  She just cracks me up!  I'll have some videos and photos to post soon...I hope!  Not only has my laptop given me the middle finger, but our camera has been acting possessed & my cell phone is...well...functionally challenged at the moment.  *sigh*  I'm starting to think the electronics in this house have it in for me...

Look for more cute Layla news coming soon!  We just love this little girl (and hope that you're falling in love with her, too)!


  1. welcome to blogville! little layla is lucky to have you!

  2. Thanks, Aimee! Kevin is falling in love with her (don't let him tell you otherwise!) so I may have to talk him into actually allowing her to be adopted when the time comes. I just thought a blog was a great way to for people who can't see her all the time to get to know her a little. I've never blogged before, nor am I a fab writer, so please forgive my rambling! Thanks for stopping by! :o)
