Monday, August 29, 2011

The Myers love Layla!

And here I am again...posting much later than I wanted to...and posting at 3AM so please forgive any ramblings and/or mutterings that make no sense. :o)

It's official.  Layla has claimed her official sleeping spot - directly between me and my husband.  She also prefers to have one paw draped across my body.  What a snuggle-saurus, as we call her!  I know, I know...I shouldn't be allowing dogs in my bed.  But I can't help it!  It's just so stinking cute!  And I LOVE that she wants to be cuddled.  My dogs love to snuggle - but only on their terms.  Layla doesn't care about terms - she just craves love.

We are still working on being COMPLETELY house trained, but it is slowly getting there.  We haven't had an accident in several days (knock on wood!) so we hope it stays that way.  I think her main issue is not understanding HOW to tell us she needs to go out.  We know she knows that potty time happens outside b/c any accident she has is right by the back door.  However, she is still working on her confidence level and, though 1000 times more confident today than when she first arrived, she still needs encouragement to speak her mind. 

HOWEVER....Layla has found her bark.  And what a hound-like bark she has!  She didn't make a peep for so long after she arrived here.  Then, one day, she seemed to discover that she had a voice.  It began as a meager little whimper when she was excited to see me or a little hungry. It quickly grew into communication with my dogs while exploring and playing in the back yard.  Now, she is practically silent while indoors but has no problem "singing" in the backyard.  It is not a nuisance in the least bit - she only does it when trying to communicate to one of my dogs or to a dog next door.  And she will follow commands from myself and my husband when it is time for the barking to end.  But I cannot help but smile every time I hear that bark.  It's a good feeling that she is comfortable enough with us now to speak her mind when she needs to.  Layla has found her bark and we are so thankful!

For those of you out there who may be pondering the thought of giving this little girl a forever home, let me assure you that you will not be disappointed.  No dog has ever loved human contact as much as Layla.  She will be the one to never leave your side, to greet you with ultimate excitement when you come home from running errands, to understand every word you say to her and offer response in the form of a simply look. We love having her here and I just know her forever family will come along soon!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Quick update....

Wow.  I haven't been able to post in awhile and I apologize.  This will be just a QUICK post to let everyone know that Layla is doing sooooooo well.  There's so much to tell you and so many stories to share but I must save those for another time as my eyes are beginning to get a little droopy and I am afraid I will start typing gibberish. 

We did lose one of our own precious fur-babies back on July 27 so our household has been in mourning.  It was very unexpected and we are still awaiting the results of a necropsy.  He was only 3 years old, and he and Layla had become close companions.  I think even Layla has been upset about losing him b/c she's been extra snuggly since he's been gone.  Having her here has made dealing with the loss a little more bearable.  NOT that any of my puppies can take the place of any other, but having those extra puppy snuggles and tail wags around our house has helped tremendously.  I thank ARF for allowing Layla to come into our lives at what could not have been a more meaningful time. 

Well, I promised a short post and short it shall be.  Just know that Layla is getting lots of love and giving so much more in return.  I just love having her here!  More fun Layla stories coming soon!